Japanese is classified as a member of the Japonic language family, which also includes the Ryukyuan languages spoken in the Ryukyu Islands. The exact classification of Japanese within global language families is subject to debate, but it is generally recognized as a distinct and relatively isolated language family.

Characteristics of Japanese:

  1. Agglutinative Structure: Japanese is an agglutinative language, meaning it expresses grammatical relationships through the use of prefixes and suffixes attached to root words.
  2. Subject-Object-Verb (SOV) Order: The typical sentence structure in Japanese follows a Subject-Object-Verb order.
  3. Honorifics and Politeness Levels: Japanese features a complex system of honorifics that reflect the hierarchical nature of Japanese society, with different levels of politeness and formality.
  4. Writing System: Japanese uses a combination of three scripts—Kanji (characters borrowed from Chinese), and two syllabic scripts, Hiragana and Katakana.

Japanese is often considered a language isolate within its family due to its unique properties and the lack of close linguistic relatives, apart from the Ryukyuan languages.

The information about Japanese language characteristics can be translated into Chinese as follows:



  1. 黏着性结构:日语是一种黏着语,通过在词根上附加前缀和后缀来表达语法关系。
  2. 主宾谓(SOV)语序:日语的典型句子结构遵循主宾谓的顺序。
  3. 敬语和礼貌水平:日语具有复杂的敬语系统,反映了日本社会的等级性质,有不同层次的礼貌和正式程度。
  4. 书写系统:日语使用三种文字的组合——从汉字中借用的汉字,以及两种音节文字,平假名和片假名。


I want to create a new type of language, completely made up, used in a fiction story. The core of this language is a combination of Japanese and English. I want to maintain the agglutinative structure of japanese, and the SOV order, yet take out all Kanji from it. The writing system is a combination of Hiragana and latin alphabet. Give me some brainstorm.